Bing Bong! Dark humour cards

Backstory- 2020 has been awful, in January my brother was diagnosed with metastatic bowel cancer, By late January we knew it was stage 4 and incurable but there was some hope that treatments may give him a few more years. Turns out he had an exceptional cancer that was resistant to all treatments and after a brutal 11 months he passed away on 11.11.20. I know, it’s shit.
During this year I have been making him protest cards, to object to cancer initially (for context of the images attached he called his cancer ‘the rat’). Bumbags feature heavily, his chemo treatment involved a full day at the beatson and sent him home with a Bumbag full of drugs that were pumped into him over the next 24 hours. After a while it became less about protesting against cancer and more about protesting anything that would give him a giggle. Some are pretty abstract, there’s a distinct ornithology theme too.
Im in the prices of digitally drawing the cards, and finessing them - many of the originals are an immediate emotional reaction to whatever has been happening. I guess I found it therapeutic. The nurses and carers loved them and have all asked where they can buy them.
Over this year we, as a family, have had huge support from Cancer Support Scotland and I’d like to give something back by getting cards made to sell and send on the profits to Cancer Support Scotland.