Fidget blankets for seniors with Alzheimers or Dem

I have been spending some time over the past year with a friend who lives in the RK MACDONALD nursing home.
He suffered a traumatic brain injury at the age of 17 and His parents have had lots of friends spend time with him almost everyday .
Currently I take him out for an excursion three times a week.
So at least 3 times a week I walk through the RK and visit briefly with the folks there. Some are still communicating orally some are a little more limited and some are suffering with Alzheimers or dementia.
I was commissioned last year to make a sensory blanket or fidget blanket for a lady to give to her father at the RK and I’ve been interested in them since.
Now because of my frequent visits I can see a real need for them.
My plan is to use the generous funding to purchase supplies and hire a helper to make 10-15 fidget blankets which I will donate to the RK Nursing home to be used by the residents.