Support these talented kids

Hi, I currently coach the Under 16's junior soccer team at Ingle Farm Junior Soccer Club. Three years ago when I volunteered to coach my step daughter's soccer team I noticed a couple of really talented boys that would come join one of my team players in training. So I approached Cung and Lian and asked if they would like to join my team as I needed more players. They both had great potential and you can easily see their passion for the sport but however they both replied by saying they couldn't join as their families would be unable to pay the fees. Cung and Lian are cousins from Burma both were 13 years old at the time.
I didn't want to give up on them as I could tell they wanted to play. I felt bad and told them that they could join my team training if they liked and that they were able to play in the pre season friendlies I had lined up for my team. My team at the time was low on players I could have used their help. The club president at the first friendly game noticed them and told me to sign them up and we would work out the fees later. With the help & donations of family and friends I was able to pay for their first and second year. I also was able to obtain warm winter clothing and new soccer boots. A new season is now fast approaching and I'm trying to find new funds for them to get them through the year. Please help me in supporting Cung and Lian so that they can continue to enjoy their passion. I've had the pleasure of spending two years with both of them and they are such humble, polite and very talented young boys and I would hate to see that go to waste. They've helped the team in so many different ways. Lian won M.V.P award last season and Cung' s leadership guided the team to fourth spot from bottom two years ago.
Thank you