Portable dodgeball court

Hi all,
my name is Peter Rothbart; I'm an editor at FOUND Magazine, and the founder and director of the Seattle-based yard sharing organization We Patch. Most importantly for this application, I'm a part of the Seattle Street Dodgeball community and the Seattle Dodgeball Syndicate.
We host a set of weekly pickup dodgeball games in Ballard and Capitol Hill, as well as various league games and tournaments. We do all of this for the love of the game and not for profit; we try to keep games free or at least affordable so we can include everyone who wants to play. We pay for balls with money from donations. This means that we don't have much of a budget for publicizing our events.
Recently we've discussed ways to help spread word about Seattle dodgeball, and we decided that rather than attract only the folks who happen to come across our game, we want to bring dodgeball to the people. To do this, we're going to construct a portable dodgeball court that we can set up in any space that would be suitable for a game: on a grassy patch at the Seattle Center, on a moving trailer bed in the solstice parade, on the street in Fraternity row at UW, on top of a parking structure, on a floating platform in Lake Washington - the possibilities are endless and so tantalizing!
The court will be made of 6-10 rigid and collapsible supports fitted with cargo netting, construction fencing, or other easy to roll siding. Within our community we already have the skills to make this a reality, we just need funding for the raw materials.
Our long-term goal is to make Seattle the epicenter of the dodgeball revival. Each new player adds skill, talent, and character to our community, and we hope this portable court will bring a massive influx of new faces. We would love your help making this happen!