Bellwood's Push Mower Society (BPMs)

The core of the idea is this: mow the grass of city parks as a community.The revolutionary part is the use of standard push mowers, rather than anything gas powered or automatic. Consider reducing the high cost of employing city workers to constantly maintain the park, which might enable the city to divert those funds to improving swimming pools, or updating other park facilities to get our children outside more often. This one small change could improve the air quality of our community green spaces, not to mention get us laughing and chatting together. It could happen monthly, or bi-weekly -- citizens could plan after events accordingly.

I have a couple contacts within the Toronto Park system, which would help with co-ordination.

Once the project was established, we could introduce elements such as push mower derbies: participants could decorate their mowers and introduce their ideas on grass cutting and landscaping. Awards could be offered for best design. Instructions on blade sharpening would be available. The hope is for the use of push mowers over gas powered alternatives to spread to home use, and to other neighbourhood parks. With increased interest, sponsorship would begin to crop up: manufacturers offering mowers on a trial basis.

This is an easy, fun and inexpensive way to inspire our future generations that a little physical work is good for the spirit, as well as the environment. My family and I would be proud and thrilled to participate in such an enterprise.

Fondos becados por Toronto (January 2012)