
Students (and adults) are ever more connected to their mobile devices and electronics. As a result, students are becoming less physically active. Our awesome project aims to increase physical activity while keeping students connected.
PedalPower is a stationary bike equipped with a mobile device charger. The more calories you burn, the more you charge your phone. On average, a student can burn 75-110 calories per ten minutes and create between 20-40 watts of energy (.02-.04kWh). The average smartphone requires 8.4kWh to charge. However, on some devices 5 minutes pedaling can yield about 5% of battery life.
At Miami-Dade County’s iPrep (a magnet high school that uses a blended-learning curriculum) there are about 300 middle and high school students who are each using technology in the classroom. On average, those 300 students have about 60 minutes of free time throughout the day from the time they enter the school and leave each day. Knowing students will remain connected to their devices, we can create the opportunity to burn calories while simultaneously charging their devices.