Puzzled Pint 2017

We've been running Puzzled Pint (PP)--a volunteer-organized, non-profit, solving-for-fun event--every month since July of 2010. What started out as a Portland-only pub thing has grown into a worldwide phenomenon spanning nearly 40 cities in 5 countries, attracting over 1,800 players every month.
Puzzled Pint has been an all-volunteer endeavor from the very start. We're dedicated to producing original, beginner-friendly puzzles every month, with the goal of introducing new players to the growing world of puzzle hunts. We don't charge our players to participate, we don't accept commercial sponsorships, and all our Game Control members--"GCs"--pay out of their own pockets for printing, web hosting, and other organizing costs.
PP is still headquartered in Portland (with a lot of help from other GCs everywhere), but as our growth continues, we're looking for better ways to manage and sustain this ever-expanding organization. Our 7th anniversary is coming up, and we're approaching a tipping point as far as needing to formalize how we run things.
More about PP: http://www.puzzledpint.com/info/about/
See some puzzle walk-throughs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSGs3r0v0WWV65tTS53h43XMFlcJxJmi9