Do You See What I Hear

The Companion Program presents “Do You See What I Hear,” a digital arts project completed and presented by artists who experience developmental disabilities in Washington County. Artists from The Companion Program’s Art Studio in Forest Grove will document their unique experiences using digital media and present a series of free showings at the studio in Forest Grove.
The Companion Program’s Art Studio seeks funding for 10 - 7 inch Amazon Fire Tablets tablets, a color printer and projector. With these devices we can explore digital media for storytelling. Filmmaking, animation, photography and music composition will be part of our community showing in Winter 2016. We are artists who struggle to have our stories expressed so it is important that we find dynamic ways to do so. Additionally, artists will be empowered by learning 21st Century skills.
The Companion Program in Forest Grove supports local artists in Washington and Yamhill counties diagnosed with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Our Art Studio program encourages adults to formulate their creative abilities and find their identity as local, independent artists. The Art Studio consists of a Art Director, and Staff Artist, and volunteers. All of whom facilitate artists with disabilities in reaching goals of inclusivity, independence and productivity.
"Do You See What I Hear," will be held at our studio in Forest Grove, Washington County. When more people in Washington County understand and respect people with different abilities our community becomes more awesome. Particularly in the artist community, when our work is included in the rest of the arts community then the Washington County Art scene becomes immensely rich.
At this writing we serve approximately 20 artists with disabilities in Washington County.
Success=Artists learn to use digital media and create a product between 11-12/2016. 2) Full house on show dates, 3) Successful reviews from evaluations at show nights. 4) Not sure if we can measure it but a new working understanding of what it means to have a developmental disability in Oregon.
Want to Help?
The Companion Program Art Studio is looking for community members to volunteer in the studio. Studio volunteers, work alongside artists, mentor specific artists, or present workshops. We are also always in need of quality supplies, such as acrylic and watercolor paints, art pencils, charcoal paper and watercolor paper.
Contact: Javaughn Fernanders · artist(at)thecompanionprogram(dot)org · 503-359-2512
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