Magenta Giraffe Theatre Company comes home!

But now we have an amazing opportunity: to lease a storefront on Grand River from Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation in the heart of that amazing neighborhood. For the first time, we will put down roots, become neighbors and not just itinerant artists, and go gangbusters to fulfill our mission and have a real impact on our community.
Beyond productions, being in a permanent space means that we can greatly expand our programming. We can share space with other theatre companies and local theatre students. We can reserve gallery space for local visual artists. We can host open mic nights, concerts, film screenings, and other events. We can provide space for workshops and educational programming not only for artists and adults, but for youth. And we will do all of that with input from the community.
Magenta Giraffe putting down roots means we can dedicate ourselves even more to providing services and programming that our community wants, needs, and deserves.