Art Kits for Kids & Women in Refuges

Classbunny (an arts facilitator) is using surplus, leftovers and upcycled art materials gleaned from big corporate events and festivals to create fun craft kits for kids in domestic violence refuges in Sydney.
Kids craft kits are already being distributed and contact has been made with local refuges and charities. As well as the kits, classbunny provides a 'how to' video for each new project' which is accessed via you tube for case workers to reference or to be viewed directly by the children.
This Project is awesome because it
1) Saves materials from landfill
2) Recycles left over materials
3) Supplies and brings art to kids & women in domestic violence refuges
4) Is a therapeutic activity for those in crisis
The craft activities are artist designed and high quality. As classbunny already delivers regular classes online to the public, there is an opportunity to expand the outreach to adults in the refuge in addition to the kids. What is needed is investment into water colour kits and postage to deliver the kits to various outlying refuges, so women in those refuges can join a water colour class that are already running regularly via live stream for the paying public.
One kit per refuge would be able to be used multiple time .
A kit for multiple attendees is delivered to a refuge
An email call out is sent to the refuges taking part in the scheme for participants to join a class when it is running (usually monthly)
As the teacher is already paid for by the general public, it can accommodate complimentary spaces for the women from the refuges. Online classes can have many more participants than a live class.
Women are given a zoom link and can join a scheduled online class via the refuge computer or a phone as would a paying student. They will participate beside the general public and not be identified or singled out in anyway.
One kit with paints and brushes can be used 15 times. That means a staggering 450 women could take part in a classbunny watercolour class for so little outlay!