WILD WISDOM, the podcast series

My awesome project is a podcast series I am developing called WILD WISDOM (wildwisdomthepodcast.com). Itʻs an audio archive that features personal stories of women over 70 who have maneuvered and continue to maneuver through America's shifting expectations on how a proper woman should look and behave.
The stories, sprinkled with humor and pathos, enlightens and entertains the listeners as they follow the true life journeys from the 1940s to today of Jeannette Paulson Hereniko and friends. Now there are 22 recorded stories on the website. More to come.
Not long ago women couldn't have a bank account or credit card without their husband’s written approval. Women were fired when they became pregnant, and most careers were limited to jobs that assisted the men on top. The personal stories on WILD WISDOM tell how women coped during these challenging times. The stories remind women to be vigilant so we do not go backward in our fight for equality.
Because of the quickly changing landscape of American politics and law, the time to finish and distribute my WILD WISDOM podcast series is NOW!
As an 82 year old woman, I feel a sense of urgency to pass on my stories.
But first I must raise money to produce a sound track for each story before the podcast series can be distributed.
GOALS of the podcast:
1. To expose the subtle and not so subtle pressures that influence the way American women believe they must behave and look.
2. To inspire women to realize their full potential by following their passion and persevere, regardless of discouragement.
3. To encourage women to value their dreams and personal histories and to share their stories.
4. To increase an understanding and respect for the wisdom of older women.
Because the Storytellers are longtime residents of Hawaiʻi, their stories embody Hawaiʻiʻs values and history. Hear 2 examples:
The Birth of the Hawaiʻi International Film Festival:
On a Woven Mat: