Gloves up Guns Down stop the Violence

This project gloves up guns down is about the youth in the city of Newburgh it's about saving lives and causing our youth to look for something better it's about teaching our youth discipline responsibility accountability and all the good things that life should carry we think that if a child or a teenager young adult picks up the gloves they won't pick up the guns We Believe that gun violence isn't the way so we hope that our program gloves up guns down deter the youth from that lifestyle We Believe that our Boxing Club can help that you become better people we do a lot of traveling and participation of the boxing program the kids get to see many things more than Newburgh our Boxing Club travels the country and the world to participate and events boxing events we see so many different things and I will travel and learn so many different things about life and about this world our kids May be boxing and come upon something else other than boxing but something else positive and they may learn to be a lawyer a doctor or many other things because of the travels and the different looks that we have in boxing we hope that the gloves up guns down project can truly save lives we hope that the gloves up guns down program can show our youth that shooting each other and using guns for violence isn't the way we pray that our youth learn that there's more to life then the street life and we hope that the children who come to this program hook Elite boxing will learn much that it has to offer so we hope that you support us and serving our children and the sport of boxing thank you and God bless