Readers' Bridge

Readers’ Bridge is a not-for-profit organization with the sole purpose of helping non-resident individuals and families afford a library card by subsidizing 90% of the card cost. Non-Resident Library Cards can range in price from less than $50 to more than $150.
Once non-resident cards are purchased, the card is recognized as a valid public library card and can be used at other public libraries.
Reader’s Bridge partners with public libraries in Charleston, Mattoon, Effingham, Newman, Sullivan, and Shelbyville. Qualifications for Readers’ Bridge can include working only part-time, children eligible for reduced or free school meals, subsidized housing, LINK card, receiving temporary assistance for needy families (TANF), etc. Their local librarian signs off on their application certifying their need for card sponsorship.
We firmly believe that no one should be denied access to a public library due to a lack of funds. We want to keep the doors of the libraries open to those that perhaps need them the most.