Brighten up Garston Park

The Friends group works to promote our small, local park and tp protect and enhance it. We work closely with the City Council and have a range of achievements, balancing the nèeds of differing users - sports, informal recreation, adults, children and families. We plant trees, flowers, litter pick and have. major projects such as commissioning a timber toddlers' play area. The park is surrounded by houses for many of which h the park substitutes as a garden.
We want to plant drifts of daffodils in a dull corner of the park and on a big island shrubbery in the centre of the main path through the park which was burnt by vandals.
To purchase the bulbs: King Alfred Select 20 kg. net bulb size 12 - 14 , 320 bulbs / 14 - 16, 220 bulbs. c £48. We require 2 bags, ie c £96.