There is an urgent need for after school literacy services to serve the children of Williams Elementary. Williams is a "D" rated school with test score averages far below the district and statewide averages. According to the 2019 School Improvement Plan, there are 573 enrolled studetns and 109 scored a level 1 on statewide assessments (about 2-3 grade levels behind). Furthermore, according to, 100% of these students are economically disadvantaged and 92% are not white. Academic underperformance is a large part of the racial and economic achievement gap in Gainesville.
We began a year ago and all of our students are 1-2 years ahead of where they began, even with the pandemic! We started in person but transitioned to a digital format over Zoom when schools closed in March. We provided students with internet and devices as needed. We have high schoolers, UF students, professionals, and teachers who serve as tutors. We train them and assign them to work with students one-on-one over Zoom three times a week for 20 minutes. The digital program we employ is Great Leaps. It is a data-driven approach that has been tested and proven over the past two decades and is now used in all 50 states and 40 countries world-wide. In addition, it analyzes progress and presents statistical modeling so instructors have the data they need to track student progress.