Gifting: Human Rights Stickers for All

After going to a Black Lives Matter protest in downtown Raleigh I loved seeing all of the signs but was also really inspired by the swag people were wearing...George Floyd shirts, I can't Breath masks, etc. It made me think that it would be great to see more of this messaging in everyday places, not just at a protest. So I went home and designed and ordered 100 stickers (using my own time and money) and gifted them to protesters in downtown Raleigh the next week.
I was nervous to approach strangers. I was afraid they would reject or criticize my gift and had to remind myself that either of those are perfectly acceptable reactions. I reminded myself of the principle of gift giving (according to Burning Man): “The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value”
I got to meet a lot of people and hear their stories as I offered them a sticker. It was a way to connect with strangers and also surprise people with kindness...a gift. Its a small but powerful gesture that tells a stranger they are special. The sticker itself is a material symbol thats communicates solidarity and compassion.
I think it's good to post stuff on social media but we can also spread our message in the “real” world and subtly remind friends, family, and strangers that we support all human’s rights...with a sticker :-)
A sticker on a laptop signals to people in the library or coffee shop that you’re on their side. A sticker on a front door or mailbox lets neighbors and delivery drivers know that you stand with them. A sticker on your car reminds passersby that they are not alone.
My goal is simply to spread and share this message!