Artist support in the age of COVID-19

As people around the world are experiencing, COVID-19 or the coronavirus has made us all take a sobering look at the value we place on community. Art transcends all demographics and can be used as a tool for storytelling and societal introspection during uncertain times. Despite this, artists, often held up as beacons in times of robust economic growth, are forgotten in times of crisis. Many artists in marginalized groups, are disproportionately affected by the measures taken to combat the spread of the virus: self-quarantine and closure of public venues, etc. The Nicholson Project will quickly mobilize its network of artists and art administrators to 1) create an outlet for peer-to-peer networking through virtual townhalls and 2) create opportunities for these artists to earn revenue during this uncertain time through participation in our new digital art gallery on display on The Nicholson Project (TNP) website.
Virtual Townhall
The TNP Artist Townhall program is a monthly gathering that brings people together in an effort to spark challenging discussions about art and community development. Attendees are able to share resources and gain a network within the DC art scene to further their careers. We would like to adapt this model to become virtual to create a platform for DC artists to share their difficulties which will allow funders and community organizations to mobilize resources to help them.
Digital Art Gallery
In addition to providing a space for community conversation, TNP would like to help artists earn revenue and increase their visibility without access to shows and exhibitions. To serve this purpose, we are proposing to create a digital art gallery featuring diverse art including mixed media, paint, music, and poetry. We will pay the artists a fee to display their art in our online gallery, with a new artist premiered weekly. We hope this will encourage DC artists to keep telling stories and help support them financially during this crisis.