The Charitable Trust of CFUW Aurora/Newmarket Inc.

The Charitable Trust of the Canadian Federation of Women (CFUW) Aurora/Newmarket Inc. is the charitable arm of the Club CFUW Aurora/Newmarket. It is a registered charity which offers educational awards to disadvantaged young women and men entering college or university. This year we are proposing to offer thirteen awards totalling approximately $27,000. In addition our Club is facilitating another four awards of $5000 from community partners.
We are the only organization in northern York Region to offer these awards, and we are asking the Awesome Foundation to support our project in helping the youth of our community to attain a college or university education. You, along with the members of our Club, supporters of our fundraisers, corporate donors, and other organizations are the only way we can make it possible. The need is great and becomes greater each year!
Our awards committee works along with guidance counsellors in our high schools and staff members of the York Region Children's Aid Society (YRCAS) to select the winners. These students must have a high academic standing and must have contributed to their families, schools or communities in a significant way. They must have demonstrated a strong work ethic and must have overcome challenges to succeed. In addition they must submit a recommendation from a teacher, employer, or church or community leader.
We attempt to spread our money as widely as possible in order that we may benefit the greatest number of students.
Our club also runs a Stay in School event for youth under the care of the (YRCAS). We will be giving one educational award to a student transitioning from the care of the YRCAS, as well as small awards for younger students who have achieved good standing and good school attendance as both an incentive and an award.
To date, our winning candidates have achieved excellent success in their post secondary education.