Nyamdu-Dro Mentorship Program

As two first generation Tibetan-American immigrants, and the first in our families to attend college in the United States, access to higher education seemed like a dream. From the college admissions process to figuring out what we wanted to do with our lives, the challenges were endless. Nyamdu-Dro Mentorship Program was born out of necessity; to bridge the gap between the aspirations of Tibetan youth and the tangible successes of Tibetan working professionals. In doing so, we hope to create a space to develop professional relationships and a platform to provide mentorship and guidance.
In Tibetan, “nyamdu-dro” translates to “go together,” a literal representation of our belief in the power of community, collaboration, and compassion. For many Tibetan youth in the Bay Area, their experiences of living in Tibetan refugee resettlement camps in India and Nepal, immigrating and acclimating to the US, being the first in the families to attend high school, let alone college, have already created tremendous barriers to achieving success. Nyamdu-Dro Mentorship Program aims to support, empower, and inspire Tibetan youth in the community by pairing one to three high school/college students to one mentor who is currently working in or toward a similar field of interest. Our mentors represent various fields such as: medicine, engineering, business, law, etc. while each possessing unique skills, experiences, and stories to share with their mentees. Depending on the mentee’s needs, mentors may assist with the college admissions process, preparing for standardized tests, providing linkages to local internships/volunteer opportunities, as well as professional development and job readiness.
After an initial Information Session tentatively scheduled to take place in June, we hope to branch out and host workshops focused on specific topics such as assistance with college applications, professional development, etc.
Motivated by the love of our families who have made our dreams their own, the unconditional support of the Tibetan community, and the teachings of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, we hope to cultivate the next generation of Tibetan leaders driven by a commitment to serving humanity.