Jordon Myles Foundation

"You Matter Care Kits"
During a Mental Health crisis, a person faces many barriers; stigma, self-stigma, an overburdened system of help. People often arrive as an inpatient exhausted, hungry, feeling alone and perhaps helpless, and unprepared for a hospital stay. We hope to make that brave step an easier one with our 'You Matter Care Kits". The 'You Matter' care kits contain many personal & caring items to help support & comfort an individual at this time. Items such as, a blanket, soap, toothbrush, shampoo, toothpaste, deodrant, lip blam, lotion, a snack, coloring pages, socks, positive quotes, a book, markers, paint canvas, a bottle of water, and a personal letter reminding a struggling individual that they matter. All of these items are put inside a personal "You Matter" canvas bag. and is handed out to every person, admittted to the Mental Health Unit, in their time of need to provide a bit of comfort and support.