Awesome to share.

My name is Tyler Maceachern.
My mom is Kate MacEachern. I have an idea for awesome antigonish and to help people share their ideas and thoughts. Also as a great way to have people communicate and stop and listen or read. It's all about being positive. Sometimes having a good distraction is a great thing.
My idea is to put chalkboards on the side of buildings. In permanent paint or whatever you write the question or the sentence. Like for example. "I love antigonish because:"
And then underneath you have a bunch of lines. People can write why they love antigonish in chalk.
Or things like. "If I had one wish it would be" it's a great way to have people communicate and also really nice to see the amazing things written.
I saw this done in a very small community in BC two years ago and I'll always remember it.
There are lots of ideas for questions. Because it's chalk it's super easy to clean up once a week. Also great for tourists because they can also contribute.
Thank you for your time.