Brainsong: Music for Autism (awesome-ism)

The first awesome, joyous, summer outdoor interactive music and dance concert for kids with Autism and any disability -- and their families and friends... As a mom with a child with autism, I cannot bring my daughter to any of the many children symphonies or ballet events, just like all my friends in the disability community of Boulder. Our kids cannot sit still, be quiet and polite. They need to move and make noise. We are shunned as "bad parents" but our kids feel music; they learn from music and enjoy it if not more, just as much as all kids. They deserve to experience the arts at a high level. This concert by Awesome Boulder will allow our kiddos and the community the freedom to be center stage (rather than shunned by society). The musicians will love it! The dancers will love it! Boulder will love it! Please help us to launch the very first Inclusive Event in Boulder!