St. Peter's Fiesta, Seine boat restoration

In January of 2020, the Seine boat restoration project was started to repair the 3 seine boats that are used in the St Peters Fiesta sporting events. The original decayed wooded seats were replaced with new solid fiberglass. The original decks had several hairline cracks that would allow water to enter the hull and there wasn’t any access to pump out that water. There was new durable fiberglass decks installed as well as 3 deck plates in each boat to allow access to the hull to pump out any water. There were also new adjustable rack systems to adjust the foot braces on the deck of the boats. This new system allows each rower to adjust the foot brace for proper fit to match their height.
With over more than 400 participants from the Cape Ann area that compete each year, family, and friends from all over will travel to Gloucester to enjoy these races, along with the other events during the week. The categories are, Men, woman (seniors and juniors) and first responders, Police and Fire and a Military Race of the U.S. Coast guard and the Navy (when in port for this weekend).