Caring Between the Lines

This is actually idea I had years ago, and even had a local art gallery in principal agree to do. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances and a lack of momentum - well, it went by the way side. I actually forgot about it. Until tonight. I think the project could be initiated fairly easy with a little momentum, a little advice and a little capital - and that my awesome friends is where you come in.
Remember the joy you had colouring as a child? As the father of two young boys I can assure you that the joy returns as soon as you pick up a crayon ... but I get ahead of myself.
'Caring Between the Lines' is essentially an interactive art exhibit. Local photographers (both professional and amateur) are invited to submit photographs of local landmarks and/or their favourite parts of our beloved city. The best are chosen (by an independent jury) and the photographs are then printed onto large black and white, high contrast prints (see attached Blackfriars Bridge example) - which are then hung around the 'gallery' for a set period of time. (From a few days to a week or so.) Selected artists will submit a bio and a background of the shot that will accompany the photo while on display. Anyway, for the duration of the show, visitors are given a box of crayons as they enter, or alternately boxes of crayons are strategically placed throughout. Either way, people (of ALL ages) are encouraged to actually colour the photographs, which have been printed on regular paper. (High quality of course, but your normal glossy photographic paper - so you can, you know, colour on it!) They become 'completed' over time.
At the end of the shows run, the now coloured pictures will be auctioned off, with the proceeds of each work going to the local charity of the photographer's choice. As well, attendees will be asked to bring a food item and/or donate to a local charity in lieu of admission. In the end? It's win/win/win - and awesome!