Code Red

Code Red is a service project founded in 2019 with the goal of eliminating period stigma through awareness campaigns, as well as addressing period poverty in homeless populations. We provide menstrual education and period kits containing supplies and educational resources at homeless housing organizations across California, such as Thomas Family Housing, HIS House, and Los Angeles Family Housing. To provide menstrual products, we have contacted and collaborated with period companies such as Organicup, Dot Cup, and Party in my Pants to homeless women and girls. We also raise public awareness through our social media (@coderedworkshop) about period poverty and ways to eliminate period stigma in local communities. Currently, we are working to assemble and distribute period kits and educational materials to low-income families during this COVID-19 pandemic. With the hopes of involving our community, we plan on having volunteers from schools and organizations participate in our distribution of period kits and period poverty awareness campaigns. Additionally, Code Red is in the process of expanding our social media campaign by collaborating with other period organizations.