Wheels for Dancing

Northern Country Line Dancers from the Southern Mallee, northern Victoria, are made up of a hardcore and dedicated group of women who meet twice a week for line dancing.
The age ranges from 60 - 92 years of age.
This doesn't stop the ladies - but - a request for 4 walking frames has been made. Not wanting to leave the group (and we don't want to lose them), while also considering OH&S requirements of the group, walking frames appears to be a logical solution.
Social aspects of the bi weekly dance group, along with the health perspective and issues around isolation, CALD (Culturally & linguistically diverse), are key reasons for supporting these ladies. We envisage an increase in participants with the extra walking frames. Kerang is an aging population and the continuation and development of activities for this demographic is important for good mental health of our community. Performing at local events such as Biggest Morning Tea, social lunches along with other community events, keeps the women young and happy. Having things to attend and look forward to each week is a very important part of living in a small community. Demonstration dances are wonderful for the dancers and audience. Exposure to the young ones in the community will hopefully ensure this activity will continue to expand.