Hi there! My name is Angela Covo, editor of Edible San Antonio magazine. In 2013, with Freddie Covo (the publisher), we started a quest to have San Antonio designated a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. We worked with three mayors and an amazing team of individuals drawn from the private sector (including Chef Johnny Hernandez, who helped spearhead the effort), the public sector (Mayor's Office, Economic Dev, OHP and World Heritage Office) and academia. On Oct. 31, 2017, UNESCO designated SA a Creative City of Gastronomy. To underscore the prestigious designation, Freddie and I are now working on a new AWESOME project, FABMOSA, the Food and Beverage Museum of San Antonio. Mayor Nirenberg, Judge Nelson Wolff and several community leaders have expressed support for the idea, which is still in its earliest stage. Cruz Ortiz agreed t design the logo! FABMOSA will showcase our innovative culinary landscape (Tex Next), help preserve San Antonio's culinary heritage (online home cooks' recipes, strong focus on local ingredients, cultural and native contributions and historical dinners) and will function as an inclusive, interactive hub to help educate students, tourists and the general public about why SA is a Creative City of Gastronomy, our local foodways and where our food comes from with interactive exhibits, events and Additionally, FABMOSA will help connect everyone in the local culinary industry and act as an inclusive organization that will host all aspects of San Antonio's culinary scene, including resurrecting the San Antonio chapter of Slow Food and starting the FABMOSA Society of Food Writers and Scholars and Society of Food Photographers and Filmmakers. We will also partner with all the local culinary schools and organizations, such as the Dames d'Escoffier, et cetera. We envision FABMOSA will also serve as a master resource, where aspiring culinarians and local entrepreneurs can learn about all the help and assistance available in San Antonio to succeed.