Bear Creek Beautification

The Bear Creek Signs and Mural project represent the next phase of Friends of Martin Acre (FMA) beautification projects along the Bear Creek Path. There are currently 5 signs upstream from the Bear Creek Path Mural under Martin Drive (an FMA project!) that are small, outdated, and at this point, covered in graffiti. These signs were originally designed, created and installed by Creekside Elementary School in cooperation with Boulder Parks and Recreation many years ago.
FMA is seeking funds to replace these 5 signs with engaging environmental education signage. We have been working with New Vista High School, the City of Boulder, and facilitated a focus group of neighborhood residents to identify the topics and themes for the signage.
Each sign and the new mural will educate the public about Bear Creek and its inhabitants as well as the 2013 flood. In addition to the 5 signs, we will incorporate a new mural component that focuses on art inspired by the flood, and includes a ‘How Tall are you in Flood Years’ marking the 500 year flood and below. Most importantly, each sign and the new mural will engage its reader with fun activities that range from using your senses to experience the creek to seeing if you can jump as far as a mountain lion (or squirrel). The entire part of the pathway, from the first sign to the 5th sign to the mural, will be connected with footprints that kids (and grown-ups) can follow to the next sign and experience.