Raptor Refrigerator
I'd like to seed an ongoing effort I'm nicknaming the 'Raptor Refrigerator' to help Cape Ann Wildlife's efforts to help the raptor population here in Gloucester and Cape Ann. Jodi Swenson and Erin Gove (among other rehabilatators here in town) work tirelessly and with no pay to save hawkes, owls, eagles and other raptors - and feeding them is incredibly expensive. On top of the time these amazing women are spending they shouldn't also have to come up with the money to feed these incredible birds that are so criitcal to the welfare of our entire ecosystem. So, let's start a Raptor Refrigerator! This seed money would get this project started by purchasing a fridge full of raptor food (preparing for the winter ahead) and allow CAW to use the rest of their funds to help other needy wildlife while allowing Cape Ann residents to help fill the tummy's of these glorious birds that we all love so much. Once off the ground, the Raptor Refrigerator could be an ongoing part of CAW - maybe businesses could also kick in to help keep it funded (and the fridge full) on an ongoing basis.