On EcoAntisemitism

My awesome project's working title is On EcoAntisemitism. The piece will take the shape of a roughly hour-long solo contemporary dance performance work I perform. I like to think of the danceworks I create as choreographed essays or poems that weave movement, text, sound, video together with a choreographic method. The piece's design will be modular, facilitating its performance compatibility for many venues, including everything from a black box theater on campus at UCSC to the London Nelson Center. Thematically, the piece will investigate how antisemitism infuses ecological ideology across the political spectrum.
Dance performance is essential in raising awareness around this issue because it invites the performer and audience to sensorily engage in critical thinking. Against the backdrop of a multitude of social crises, perhaps most pressingly the climate crisis, we must work together to ensure antisemitism in eco-politics is not a barrier to building a climate justice movement capable of action.
Shane will be using the funding for rehearsal space as well as the production of the event.