Human Nature Projects April Community Cleanup 2024

Human Nature Projects Canada is a youth-led, non-profit organisation that strives to raise awareness about current environmental issues. HNP is committed to the well-being and sustainability of our community.
Our Community Cleanup project aims to address a critical issue in our neighbourhood, the litter and pollution that damage our park ecosystems. Our previous community cleanups in October 2022 and April 2023 each had over 250+ participants. They helped protect our local ecosystems by significantly reducing litter, debris, and hazardous materials. With feedback and trials from past cleanups, we have developed an organised system to maximise efficiency and success.
Each cleanup is followed by increased sign-ups and participation, showing that the changes we have implemented are improving our events. First, volunteers will check in and receive equipment such as gloves and garbage bags. Next, there will be a short opening ceremony, where participants receive important instructions and safety guidelines before being sorted into teams. There will be a short break for lunch and rest.
Finally, there will be a closing ceremony recognizing the hard work of participants and giving thanks to the sponsors. Volunteer hours are given, and garbage bags are collected and properly disposed of. This is an enjoyable experience for all involved, as volunteers participating in this event enjoy the friendly competition when divided into teams competing for prizes while helping to clean our environment at the same time. We aim to reduce litter and protect our environment while creating a memorable and fulfilling experience for the community.