Warwick VegSoc

I am making an application on behalf of the the Vegan and Vegetarian Society of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom.
The society has existed for a number of years and in that time been involved in a number of motions to promote plant-based eating and the vegan lifestyle on campus. This coming academic year, the society, under new leadership, is determined to push for a 50% plant-based campus with a commitment to becoming 100% plant-based by 2030- a project we are excited to work on and keen to acquire the resources to complete.
Outside of our formal interactions with the University and its Student Union to promote veganism on campus, we also hold educational and social events across the course of the year, ranging from discussions and debates within the society or with other university societies to movie nights and BBQs. We consider these to be important in not only bringing vegans together but in providing a forum for discussion and change that may not otherwise exist. We believe that a support network and encouraging solidarity among vegans is a particularly effective way to encourage people to maintain a lifestyle which, when attempted along, can be difficult to uphold. This year we aim to increase the provision of these such events in the coming year.