CCRE Community Initiates 2023

Carroll Citizens for Racial Equity (CCRE) is currently planning our 2023 Annual Conference, which is titled “Be The Change in Carroll County: Expanding the Vision of Equity”. This conference provides an educational opportunity for members of our community to come together to learn about issues related to race and equity. Keynote and breakout session topics will focus on didactic information, providing context and background, voter rights and eliminating barriers, accountability partners, organizational change; why change is so hard, and micro/macro aggressions. We will be offering this conference in person and virtually. We have entered a new partnership with Carroll Community College for this year’s conference, so we’ll be holding the event on their campus.
CCRE represents key stakeholders within our community that promote social justice and equity for all. Our group prioritizes equity to make sure everyone in our community has access to what they need. We give a voice to those who struggle to be heard. Our group seeks out solutions to systemic problems. These problems exist with our neighbors, but also nationally. CCRE focuses on our neighbors and how we can provide education, knowledge, and tools to develop solutions.
We also collaborate with other organizations throughout the year in support of events and activities related to our mission. Members from various organizations around the county are represented on the Steering Committee, including the Carroll County Health Department, Carroll Community College, Carroll County Youth Service Bureau, Citizen Services of Carroll County Government, Carroll County Public Library, McDaniel College Social Work Department, NAACP, Human Service Programs of Carroll County, Carroll County Public Schools, Carroll Hospital, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Zepp Center for Peace and Nonviolence, Human Relations Commission, and many community members.