Common wealth at risk

The project is indeed very awesome. I have been researching and drawing images of all the buildings at risk in Glasgow over the past few years. Sadly, as you can imagine, even in that short time some of the buildings have been completely erased from our landscape.
I want to compile all the drawings (1 have 48 so far, but am aiming for 70 in total) into a beautiful printed book - but I realise the budget for that is around £12k!! so.....I am going to do a Kickstarter to raise the funds for this.
Therefore I am looking to raise awareness of my research and drawings by creating some absolutely stunning and limited edition give-aways as gifts to those who help fund the project via pre-ordering the book :)
With this project, I set out to play with notions of common and wealth shared by the inhabitants of Glasgow City, with specific focus on some of the unique architecture located in the City and the redevelopment work currently being, or proposed to be, undertaken
The project rotates around approximately 70 buildings, ranging from 1515 right up to the present day - plus some future development proposals that I have researched.
Glasgow is a city constantly changing (like most major UK cities) and this project raises awareness of what we have lost, what we have, and what we might continue to lose dependent on the involvement and input the local people who are passionate about the built environment and heritage are allowed to have - both for and against regeneration over the historic.
Furthermore, the book can be used as a walking guide through the city. Since lockdown, many people have been able to take a daily walk and this undoubtedly would add value to that pursuit. And, hopefully once C19 is under control, an in-person guided tour could be offered, and delivered by myself.
The project should reflect the love that exists towards Glasgow’s magnificent built environment to educate, inspire and engage at a grass roots level.
I will make a PWYC digital download