TryVent 2021

Over the last year we have all been “locked away” in our homes trying to help control the spread of COVID-19. We have experienced the isolation and many of us have gained the dreaded “COVID 15” weight. We have been unable to readily get the exercise we need to maintain our physical health and to join together with our friends and neighbors to explore what Westminster has to offer and to celebrate our community to benefit our mental health.
As life is returning to normal, The Partnership is planning for TryVent 2021 to be held Sunday, September 12th, 2021 in Westminster City Park. TryVent is an initiative that introduces community members to different forms of physical activity in a one-day celebration of wellness. We will be partnering with the City of Westminster Recreation and Parks and other Westminster health and fitness providers to have a grand re-opening of our city. Participants of ALL ages will be able to gather in a fun, unique setting to “Try” different sports and recreational activities, as well as win health/fitness related prizes and giveaways.
The second TriVent was held in 2019, shortly before the outbreak of the Pandemic on a smaller scale. We want to expand this year to include many more types of sports and physical activities so everyone can find a way to get a little more fit and healthy.