myDeanwood Polaroid Project

Deanwood is one of Washington DC's oldest neighborhoods. We want to use this project to promote the people that are doing great things in the Deanwood neighborhood that may otherwise go unrecognized. By using a DIY giant polaroid frame my creative partner Kimberly Gaines and I will scour our neighborhood documenting those twenty-five special individuals who serve our community. Because of the DeanwoodxDesign project we have secured of list of individuals to chose from. However to be fair we will open the project up to the Deanwood community on a first come first served basis to ensure the project's diversity.
Kimberly is also a professional photographer. Each photograph will also highlight and feature a specific location in Deanwood. As our neighborhood grows we want to continue this project. Each picture will feature interesting facts about the person pictured. Large reproductions of the photos will be featured in an art exhibit at Ward 7's only art gallery The Center for Green Urbanism. We will also develop this project into calendars. Free copies will be provided to local libraries and schools. We can also sell the calendars to generate funding to continue art programs in Deanwood. Ultimately we would like to pitch the project to the Deanwood Heights Main Streets Assocation as a campaign to help cultivate community pride and showcase and create great art. We hope this project continues the community building we started with the DeanwoodxDesign project. As residents we want to promote the creative spirit and showcase the positive aspects of this historical, yet underserved community.