Permit Pending: Hibberd for the Holidays

Permit Pending is a new project from Jacob Titus, Helen Cramer, Dustin Mix, and Maria Gibbs attempting to present under-utilized spaces as proving grounds for new projects focused on art, business, food, and gathering.
In the past two months, we've hosted two gatherings of South Bend Burger Society, a new venture from Kevin Lawler of Baker & Rose, in which members of the society will gather weekly inside the former Dainty Maid Bake Shop to enjoy locally-sourced burgers, beer, and more. These gatherings took place at Vested Interest, the former Ziker dry-cleaning facility and over 500 people registered to attend. Registration is free and we work to offset costs by selling the food and drinks.
This month we plan to host Hibberd for the Holidays in collaboration with Abigail Gillan, whose Ragamuffin Bakery will soon be moving into the first-floor retail space at The Hibberd. We will design a tasteful and cozy holiday environment in which Abigail will host a pop-up bakery and we will host a bar. We are exploring an option to collaborate with a well-loved local bar to allow cocktails as well as beer and wine.
This event will take place over two nights in mid-December.