The Little Free Library idea began in Wisconsin three years ago and has spread to 9 nations worldwide. Little buildings the size of a doll’s house have a sign that says: “Take a Book-Return a Book”. They are for the public’s pleasure. There are now probably over 1000 of them world-wide and growing fast.
The first Library opened in Toronto 9 months ago. There are now 7 in Toronto with another 8 under construction. They are in front of public homes and in city parks.
We are presently a committee of three of me and two others promoting the idea by presentations, operating booths at fairs and talking to city officials, business and private groups. We also have a builder who offers attractive libraries at a reasonable cost for those with no construction prospect. We offer whatever help we can from the inception to final installation of any Little Free Library. Our target is 20 libraries operating in Toronto by year end: either privately owned or in public parks and playgrounds.
The response of the Toronto press and TV is exemplary, for example see
The response of city council members, parks and playground staff, business initiative associations and business clubs is very supportive and positive.
We realize that we must pursue financial opportunities so that individuals and communities are able to install Little Free Libraries regardless of their financial limitations.
We are now spending 15 hours a week supporting and assisting the public park and playground sector and in communities that may be financially challenged and who want to get involved.
We are presently communicating with the people in one of Toronto’s largest parks: Trinity Bellwood. The park always filled with people of all ages has a very active “Friends of the Park” association. This is an ideal place for a Little Free Library. The project has the support of city councillors, park staff and the “Friends” association.