100 Jars of Jelly

FARM (Future Action Reclamation Mob) is a next-generation protest project, gift-economy community, and non-profit org started by art and design students on an "adopted" and toxic swath of land in Potrero Hill. This successful project then became FARM Davis.
Over ten years, we have grown thousands of pounds of food to give away. While we make regular donations 52 weeks a year to soup kitchens, low-income housing, and food pantries, we now want to engage our eventual gift receivers (the eaters) to make/farm with us. (The FARM will never require that eaters participate; this is a community service to spread awesome!) Our delight and purpose is to grow food to give away. The involvement will result in nourishing, delicious food, building rich relationships in the spirit of a gift economy.
— share a day in the kitchen with low-income eaters (mostly formerly homeless and/or seniors)
— 2 low-income housing locations that have certified kitchens
— 7 very productive pomegranate trees=gallons and gallons of juice
— Build connected community via pomegranate jelly-making, using FARM Davis fruit.
—Eaters keep knowledge and make jelly all year round using fruit we donate every week.
— Hand make tags for the jars so the contents are clearly identified
— Husks (skins) from pomegranates are saved for natural dyes when we grow/make cotton and wool scarves for donation.
FARM has 2-3 meals/year where 5th graders grow ingredients and cook a meal to share with seniors. Each child has a senior lunch date and intergenerational magic explodes over a meal. Details are here: http://farmdavis.org/kids/
We imagine a similar response in the kitchen, making 100 Jars of Jelly.
The event would happen in Davis— about 1.25 hours from San Francisco. FARM Davis was a direct result of FARM in Potrero Hill, and we hope that our mother-ship connection inspires you to fund the project and to participate in the workshops. We are just a skip from SF.