The L.S.D. Journal (Volume 6)

Line Script Diary is an artist-run publisher and cultural office which highlights the peripheral practices of artists and cultural producers, with a primary focus on the written language- as well as sound, performance, and limited-editioned things.
In addition to supporting newly commissioned dynamic publications, one major pillar of Line Script Diary’s mission is the ongoing series; The L.S.D. Journal. The purpose of the journal is to provide a mediated and discursive site for the exploration of ideas and executions within the realm of text-based works- giving a platform to an often underrepresented, but significant, aspect of the contributors’ practices.
As an artist and writer myself, I have found that writing is usually the start of the creative process- regardless of how the actual art is resolved. There were no venues that highlighted this paramount point in the practice- so I set out to create one- and thus The L.S.D. Journal emerged. Following on its success, I have decided to select some of the contributors to create larger-scale books and publications, evolving from just the journal to a small arts-publishing house.
Available free of charge at each new volume’s release, the journal also functions as both a testing ground and a teaser for potential future publications and projects by the contributors.