Migrant Sounds, Cultural Fusions

We are three musical projects, with cultural ties around the world, looking to join forces in Boston. The date is set - Sunday, September 24. The lineup is locked in - Awaaz Do, Interminable, and ¡Aparato!. The events - one panel discussion during the day, in cooperation with local feminist nonprofit Girls Rock Campaign Boston (http://girlsrockboston.org/), and a concert at night. Both onstage and off, we would showcase our vision for collaboration, exploration, and creativity. By bringing these three projects together, we would feature voices from women, men, nonbinary, indigenous, black, white, South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Mexican, queer, straight, and migrant people.
Each project presents a unique vision of cultural fusion: Awaaz Do is a postcolonial rock project based in Boston, whose lead singer is on the board of Girls Rock Boston. Interminable is a diasporic space fusion project from Philadelphia, bringing together the afromestizo rhythms of son jarocho from Veracruz, Mexico, with that of jazz, rock, and electronic music. ¡Aparato! is a chicanxfuturist son jarocho/punk band from LA, dressed like space-charros and ready to rock. All bands sing in both their native languages and in English.
Only one thing stands in our way - funding. We want to be able to offer all events as sliding scale, without having to compromise on receiving our fair due as musicians. This concert will be part of a larger Northeast tour, and as independent, unsigned musicians, it is important for us to acquire sufficient funds along the way to not end up losing money in the long run. We are reaching out to universities and other cultural organizations, but still are in need of secure funding for our awesome Boston activities. This grant would help do just that.