Make Amasia Great Again

The project is AWESOME because there isn’t a single neighborhood in Armenia buildings of which are painted in unique and bright colors.
Name of the project.
The name of the project was chosen during the discussion of SKYE youth club and is “Make Amasia Great Again"
In different coutries all over the world people paint their neighborhoods and houses in different colors in order to make their lives more colorful. They find aesthetic solutions and positive emotions which interest tourists too, making them visit the places, take pictures and later tell their friends. There are such colorful neighborhoods in Argentina, Brazil and other countries.
The aim of the project.
The aim of the project is to paint wooden houses in neighborhood called “Haravslavakan” in Amasia thus making it a modern neighborhood which would create opportunities for Amasia to become a local touristic attraction.The inhabitants of the neighborhood will have beautiful appartments and the life will be filled with colors.
In the scope of the project 50 houses will have appartments painted in two different colors and the houses will be protected from corosion for the coming 5 years. Local tourism will develop in the community and the appartments will provide B&B services for tourists.
In the scope of the project 50 houses will have appartments painted in two different colors and the houses will be protected from corosion for the coming 5 years. Local tourism will develop in the community and the appartments will provide B&B services for tourists.
All the above mentioned was discussed with the community in particular with the owners of the houses of the neighborhood.
World Vision Amasia Area Program will support the project by giving 1000 usd. The project will be covered by local public TV and news web sites.