
The Dannon Project was founded by Jeh Jeh Pruitt and his wife, Kerri Pruitt, in 1999. The organization was named after Dannon Pruitt, Jeh Jeh's youngest brother, who was killed by a person that had been recently released from prison on a non-violent offense. Kerri believed that if this young man had a strong support system after his release that he would probably have made better choices about how he used his time maybe preventing Dannon's death. The Dannon Project obtained non-profit status in October 2003. It was established to help people in transition, especially those with addictions on the road to recovery, unemployed, underemployed, young adults, and ex-offender reenter society.
Our system of intensive case management and referrals allow us to begin working with previously incarcerated persons six months prior to release. The goal of our effective prison reentry services is to interrupt the cycle of recidivism and help people successfully return to the community. This means making sure they are prepared for the transitions before they are released and helping them over time when challenges arise. In addition to the reentry program, we offer help to young adults and some of our participants even receive chances for college education.
We help restore all of these lives through providing supportive assistance through short term training,educating them in financial literacy, helping them obtain their GED, certifications, job preparation, and job placement. We work with different industries to help each participant attain and keep these jobs. Our estimated job retention rate after two years for our participants that have completed the program is 96 percent!
We help to repair, restore, and renew not only these lives but also the lives of their families and community by giving them second chances for achieving life success.