Murals for a Queens Supportive Housing Facility

AwesomeNYC is pleased to support artist Laini Nemett's mural project in a new supportive housing facility for Transitional Services New York (TSINY) in Jamaica, Queens, designed by Amie Gross Architects (AGA).
In the artist's own words:
The discussion with AGA began when Amie walked into my studio during LIC Arts Open 2015. As my work is based on collaged imagery from my own photographs and drawings of places in various stages of construction, this collaboration was a no-brainer. I will track the progress of the building and create models and drawings that will culminate in two 8 x 10 ft paintings installed in the first floor of the building: one will show depictions of the site under construction and the other representing it as a finished building including hints of the stained glass works featured in the same lobby. My hope is that these immersive paintings of imagery personal to the residents will foster a sense of creative inspiration and healing for them, and serve as an accessible entry-point into fine art for the community.
While our grant will fund the creation of the paintings on the first floor, the entire building has been created with art in mind, with 18 "art niches" designed into the structure's 7 floors. Once the building has been completed, local and resident artists will have the opportunity to exhibit throughout the building, with receptions preceding each opening giving the residents a chance to connect with artists living in their community.
While rising rents have forced many artists out of New York City, this project goes to show that there are plenty of creative opportunities for the arts to be integrated into our daily lives, and we are excited to see where this project, and projects like it, can go in the future.