Ottawa Zine Fair

October’s Awesome Ottawa award goes to Lee Pepper to support a zine fair in the city.
“Ottawa has an amazing community around zines—self-published books,” explains Lee, “that reflect views, stories, and resources that are outside of the mainstream, and give representation to underrepresented voices. What we don't have is a zine fair: a place for us to get together, sell what we make, and get a chance to all hang out together and celebrate the cool stuff we make.”
“I plan to organize a one-day event,” says Lee, “at which people can set up tables to sell their zines, and where interested folks can come see what talented writers and artists we have here in Ottawa.” It will take place in spring 2016.
Lee is a self-described writer, editor, curator, and non-profit professional, and runs the zine racks at Pressed, Gabba Hey, and Café Alt.