Underwear Fund!

310-COPE provides community mental health crisis intervention services to residents of York Region, North York and South Simcoe. COPE has a 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Bed Program that serves York Region only. Many of the individuals COPE Crisis Bed Program serves fall between the ages of 16-26. The youth we serve have serious mental illnesses and we assist them to stabilize and get connected to housing, health care and counselling. Unfortunately, our clients arrive with very limited belongings and often times, just the clothes that they are wearing. Staff wash clothing and service users are provided a loan of cozy, clean pajamas to wear ( gently used and donated from community) . Most often, the youth we serve do not have socks or underwear. We at the Community Mental Health Crisis Bed Program would love to use an awesome grant to purchase 300 pairs of underwear and two hundred pairs of socks. We believe that the basis for any recovery is a feeling of self worth and human dignity. Providing the basics of clothing, food, shelter and care go a long way to making a person feel valued and dignified.