Really good Art Supplies for Homeless Children
I am an art teacher with an opportunity to bring higher level supplies and classes to children of Mary's Place this June. There will be a special fine arts camp at Plymouth Congregational Church in downtown Seattle and I have been asked to be the art teacher. We do not have supplies outside of Crayola Crayons and construction paper and I'd like to bring Prismacolor Markers and Acid Free Paper along with good pens for all. I teach "The History of the Pen" and help each student find the writing instrument that sings for them. We study them all from the quill to the Sharpie. I have taught this class in Zurich where we created a "Field Guide" of all the living creatures in the watershed of the school that featured me... I have seen amazing breakthroughs for each individual student and the true joy that the lessons bring is confidence building. I will hope to continue to serve as "art liaison" and use the "fine art supplies bank" as I work with children of trauma and loss. I have worked as a grief nanny through the years and use art and music therapy to teach self care skills. My methods are proven but I am ready to bring them to financially disadvantaged children.