Kantemba Caria

Kantemba is the name for each little corner stall selling talk time, tomatoes, popcorn, portions of roller meal, pawpaws, pineapples, onions, oranges, mangoes, masukus, freeze-its or cool drinks out of cooler boxes, fried fritters, eggs, cabbages, bananas and avocadoes - to list what I've seen.
This project is boldly launched as Kantemba Caria and has as it's aims:
Encouraging buyers to have respect for their environment, by first buying a 'Caria or carrier bag, and thereafter re-using the same bag in which to take their goods home.
Teaching the makers of the bags design - i.e. simple but functional and attractive. Please note, that the emphasis will be on individual cloth bags made out of strong cotton chitenge so that they can be washed.
The project has the scope to hold mini contests in the area to see which stand can design the best Caria - thus engaging women and youth in the community and encouraging interaction amongst the vendors.
It is also hoped that talking about one's Caria becomes a play on words - intentionally Zamglish so that we begin to talk about 'career' and reduce unemployment amongst the youth by giving them something useful to do.
Stage one
Identify a committed starting group to the project. Introduce the how to make a simple Caria to this nucleus of people who can spread the idea in the vernacular to other Kantembas.
Insist on excellence in the making of individual Carias. Stress that mass-produced designs will not gain 'points' in the competition. Here it is hoped that youth will express their individuality and protect it.
Organise the first contest - for example in the Kabulonga/Ibex area, the designs could be taken to the Dutch Reformed Market and the public could judge which is the most attractive and practical Caria.
Different Kantembas could have insignia on their Carias so that people know where to order/buy them.
This is open to the smaller Kantembas only.