SOLA ARTS- Art Therapy in the Community

SOLA ARTS is a small charity that does big things! We have been supporting the most disadvantage people since 2004 and intend to continue doing so through this brilliant and innovative project.
We want to provide a 12-week Art Therapy in the Community offer for people on low income with mental health problems. Although we will focus on people from refugee and BME communities, the project will be open to anyone in need referred.
Art Therapy is a non-verbally focused form of mental health support, using creative approaches to healing of the mind and soul. It can be very extremely distressing for people with mental health problems to feel a pressure to engage verbally and so it is fundamental that people in this situation have an opportunity to engage in non-verbal mental health support and for this to provide art therapy.
For people with language difficulties, art therapy can be more effective for mental distress than talking therapies. Yet, surprisingly even though Liverpool is a multi-cultural and creative city it is only now through SOLA ARTS that Art Therapy has recently become a community based offer. SOLA ARTS has been delivering arts engagement activities for the past 10 years, however, over the past 6 months SOLA has become specialist in being the only community project offering Art Therapy as a core programme.
Specialist mental health services such as psychotherapy or counselling are often charged and expensive or difficult to access due to long waiting times or the stigma of having to request such a provision through a GP or NHS process.
We want to provide this service free of charge and in a community setting . This allows for the person to have direct access to the provision and by being in the community based at a community arts project, participants will have an anonymity and privacy in their healing journey, this project is for those most needy in our community.
We think this is awesome and need your support to make it happen.