Planting with Color

I would like to create an event where I teach the youth how to plant spring daffodil bulbs and learn how to make their own tea from flowers. I would be working with the Boys and Girls club in Poughkeepsie to implement the project for the youth as well as pass flyers to inform. We would focus on planting the bulbs around the Housing Authority units (120 Hudson Ave). I have already created an edible garden with fruit trees near building 10.
The goal is to teach the kids the importance of environmental stewardship and talking care of their surroundings. Since majority of the kids that attend the boys and girls club live in those units I think it will impact their view on taking care of where they live, being mindful of the environment and also create a nice atmosphere for everyone who lives there. They will be able to see and admire the work they put in next year when the flowers bloom.
The lesson would include an introduction to plants and soil, the importance of soil health, and the importance of providing plants for pollinators. I would then work with 5 -10 students at a time planting around the property. I will have the kids write down on a piece of paper what good intentions they have after learning the importance of taking care of the environment. We will plant the papers with the bulbs.
After we plant I will teach them how to blend a winter herbal tea so they can try it and then take home.